Resident teaching park
Created at the Enrique Olaya Herrera National Park in Bogotá, Colombia, the work questions the relationship of man’s dominion over nature in that territory. Resident educational park proposes a dialogue with the Park through practices of cleansing, offerings, and meditation, to compose the verses of a bolero that personify the Park in which common behaviors are proposed as an alternative to the ecological tensions that are generated within it.
Planta sobre pavimento
Planta sobre Pavimento se desarrolló como una residencia artística en “lugar a dudas” de la ciudad de Cali, -beca residencia artística nacional del Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia- en la cual me desempeñé como jardinero-residente durante seis semanas.
El mundo de los museos
Existe una trayectoria en que la Tierra pervive más allá de las epistemes de época, pues de la tierra nace el arte y la cultura para volver a ella como sedimento y polvo.
Explorar la presencia del sentimiento y conciencia del amor partiendo de signos y símbolos que develan aspectos duales y escindidos en vía a la unidad, son algunos de los interrogantes que suscita la instalación AMOR.
The world of museums
There is a trajectory in which the earth remains further than the epistemes of time as art and culture are born from the earth to return to it as dust and sediment. Going down the spiral stairs to the Museum’s basement brings back the memory of the historic quote of La Caverna (The Cavern).
To explore the feeling and conscience of love, departing from signs and symbols where dual and separate aspects tend to the unity, are some of the questions raised by «LOVE» installation. This creation is experienced trough the video, animation, writing, soundscape and object art problematizing at the same time the use and virtual value of the language on its intents to allude Love.
Río escultor de piedras
En el territorio del Paisaje Cultural Cafetero (patrimonio de la humanidad) se encuentra el Río Otún, renombrado como río escultor de piedras por el compositor Luis Carlos González en un verso del bambuco titulado Pereira.
A stones´sculptor river
The Otún River, located in Colombia’s Coffee Cultural Landscape (a World Heritage Site), was renamed the stone sculpting river by the composer Luis Carlos González in a line of the bambuco titled Pereira.
Los movimientos del corazón
Los Movimientos del corazón propone una analogía entre la forma como se manifiestan estados anímicos, comportamientos o creencias en el ser humano, y la manera como se desarrollan algunos fenómenos naturales, como el paso y desvanecimiento de las nubes o la cristalización de una roca.
Hearth movements
Movements of the heart it proposes an analogy between the way moods, behaviors, and beliefs are expressed in human beings, and the way some natural phenomena develop, such as the transit and disappearance of clouds or the crystallization of a rock. The piece evokes the stillness and the vital agitation of the human and planetary hearts and tries to match the beating of the present life -inside and outside the body- with nature, in order to provoke greater empathy with others.