Mauricio Rivera Henao (Pereira, Colombia, 1980)

Master’s degree in design and interactive creation from the University of Caldas (2010) and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (2003).

In his work he takes an interest in interactions between nature and culture, and inquires about the correlation and exchanges between cultural, natural, and immaterial goods, in sync with ancestral knowledge. His process seeks to subvert relations of domestication, domination, and exploitation typical of colonial thought and to vindicate the ecological sense of the places where he develops his projects. His projects place audiovisual, textual, graphic, and sound languages to (re)present the constitutive and determining dimension of the territory in being..

Rivera Henao has recently received fellowships and grants such as recognition of artistic works: Winner project KIOSK (AHRC) University of York, UK (2023); Finalist oh the 46 National Salon of Arts, 54 National Culture awards Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín (2022); Winner artist long, secretary of Culture of Pereira (2022); art – nature, National Stimulus Program of the Ministry of Culture of Colombia (2021); Residencia Artística en Bloque, Idartes, Bogotá (2019); Goethe Institut and the Colombia Ministry of Culture Grant EXPERIMENTA SUR VIII, Mapa Teatro, Bogotá (2019); lugar a dudas Cali, Ministry of Culture (2018); Research Grant – curatorial creation, Secretary of Culture, Pereira (2017). He has participated in exhibitions including: 46 National Salon of Arts, Universidad de Antioquia, (MUUA, Medellín, 2023); 46 National Artists’ Salon (Morada rosada, Honda, 2022); The longlest path, contemporary art in Antioquia (Medellin Modern Art Museum, 2021); IN-SONORA XI (Sala El Águila, Madrid, 2020); 45 National Artists’ Salon (Parque Nacional de Bogotá, 2019); IN-SONORA X (La Casa Encendida, Madrid, 2018); ARTBO, (Artecamara, Bogotá, 2017); ISEA, 23 Simposio Internacional de Artes Electrónicas (Sala de Música de la Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, 2017); IVAHM New Media Arts Festival (Museo C. A.V La Neomudéjar, Madrid, 2016); 44 National Artists’ Salon (Caseta del Barrio Zea, Pereira, 2016); Videoformes Festival (Maison du Peuple, Clermont-Ferrand, 2014); III FAS PR. Feria de arte sonoro de Puerto Rico (Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, San Juan, 2013); Oodaaq Festival (Les ateliers du vent, Rennes, 2013); The Global Composition (Media Campus Dieburg Hochshule Darmstadt, Darmstadt, 2012); IN-SONORA VII (Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid, 2012); and FIVA, Festival Internacional de Videoarte (Casa de la Cultura de Almirante Brown, Buenos Aires, 2011). He has also produced workshops, curatorial work, publications, and offered lectures at various national and international events.

Individual exhibitions

-The World of Museums. French Aliance. Pereira Arts Museum.
-Love. French Aliance. Pereira.
-Viaje Estático. (Static Trip) Pereira Arts Museum.
-En el cuerpo del otro. (In the other´s body) Colombian-French Aliance. Pereira.
-8 y Ascención. (8 and Ascencion) Colombian-French Aliance. Pereira.
-Sublimación. (Sublimation) La Cuadra Talleres Abiertos. Pereira.
-Contemplaciones. (Contemplations) Fine Arts Palace Gallery Caldas University. Manizales.
-Contemplaciones. (Contemplations) Colombian- American Center. Pereira.
-Contemplaciones. (Contemplations) La Cuadra Talleres Abiertos. Av Circunvalar. Pereira.

Principal collective exhibitions

-Installation / Publication. The path ways of the water. 46 National Arts Salon. Museum University of Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia.
-Installation / Publication. SONORO. 46 National Artists’ Salon. Morada rosada, Honda, Colombia.
-Sound installation, SONORO. The longlest path, contemporary art in Antioquia. Medellin Modern Art Museum, Colombia.
-Video, Río Grande de la Magdalena. (Big river of the Magdalena) The longlest path, contemporary art in Antioquia. Medellin Modern Art Museum, Colombia.
-Sound piece, Ecología acústica. (Acoustic ecology) XX International Image Festival, Colombia.
-Sound piece. Una Gota de agua. (A Drop of water). IN-SONORA XI. Madrid, Spain.
-Site specific intervention in the Olaya Herrera Park. Parque Residente Pedagógico. (Resident Teaching Park). 45th National Artists Salon: The reverse of the plot, Bogotá.
-Video Installation, Salto del Tequendama. (Tequendama Falls). The Nature of Things: Humboldt, comings y goings. EXPERIMENTA SUR VIII, Mapa Teatro. Art Museum of the National University of Colombia, Bogotá. Contemporary Art Festival, Manizales.
-Video art, Invited Artist. International Video Art Faenza. Bogotá, Colombia. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
-Web art, Escopetera, RIVERADELOSRÍOS Collective. 16Th Regional Art Hall center west area. Colombo Americano, Pereira.
-Sound Piece. Los Movimientos del Corazón. (Movements of the Heart) IN-SONORA X. La Casa Encendida. Madrid, Spain.
-Video – Animation. Los Movimientos del Corazón. (Movements of the Heart) XVII International Image Festival, Colombia.
-Installation. Amor. (Love) ARTBO, Artecámara. Bogotá, Colombia.
-Video – Animatión, Movimiento, Aquietamiento, Amor, Tuyo.(Movement, Stilling, Love, Yours) Veinti4/siete Gallery. San José, Costa Rica.
-Soundscape. Chicharra Armónica. (Harmonic Cicada). ISEA. Symposium International on Electronic Arts. Manizales, Colombia.
-Installation. Los Movimientos del Corazón. (Movements of the Heart). Salón Traslude. Pereira, Colombia.
-Installation. Río Escultor de Piedras. (River Stones Sculptor) AÚN, 44 Salón Nacional de Artistas, Pereira, Colombia.
-Video – Drawing. Los Movimientos del Corazón. (Hearth Movements) 12:00 Gallery. Bogotá, Colombia.
-Video – Animation. Movimiento. (Movement) IVAHM, New media Arts Festival. Rivne, Ucrania.
-Video – Animation. Movimiento. (Movement) IVAHM, New media Arts Festival. Madrid, España.
-Installation. Amor. (Love) BAC Bogotá Arte Contemporáneo. Bogotá, Colombia.
-Animation. Aquietamiento. (Stilling) Index Art Center. NJ, United States.
-Drawing. O. Center Colombo Americano. Pereira, Colombia.
-Animation. Correspondiente. (Corresponding) Videoformes Festival. Clermont-Ferrand, Francia.
-Soundscape. Ritornelo Cósmico. (Cosmic Ritornelo) Slingshot Festival of Music, Electronic Art & Technology. Georgia, United States.
-Soundscape. Chicharra Armónica. (Harmonic Cicada) FAS.PR. Sound Art Fair 3ª edition. Universidad del Sagrado Corazón. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
-Animation. Correspondiente. (Corresponding) Oodaaq Festival. Rennes, Francia.
-Animation. Correspondiente. (Corresponding) Generation the Turn. Pereira, Colombia.
-Animation. Correspondiente. (Corresponding) Streaming Festival. Holanda.
-Soundscape. Cosmic Ritornello. (Ritornello Cósmico) Streaming Festival. Holanda.
-Animation. Correspondiente. (Corresponding) Asim´tria VIII Festival. Lima, Perú.
-Video art. Mírate. (Look at you) Nomadic Cycle, Tabacalera Madrid. España.
-Soundscape. Ritornello Cósmico. (Cosmic Ritornello) AIR/EAR. Argentina.
-Soundscape. Unificanción. (Unifiedsong) The Global Composition. Darmstadt, Alemania.
-Video art. Sed. (Thirts) Close Up Vallarta, International Festival of Video Creation. México.
-Video art. Mírate. (Look at you) Anonymous, Gallery University of Paris 8. Francia.
-Sound Installation. Chicharra Armónica. (Cicada Harmonic) 14th Regional Art Hall center west area. Curatorship «El Residir». Medellín Modern Arts Museum, Pereira Arts Museum, Colombia.
-Soundscape. Unificanción. (Unifiedsong) 11th International Image Festival. Colombia.
-Soundscape. Unificanción. (Unifiedsong) IN-SONORA. VII exhibition interactive and sound art. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Madrid, España.
-Soundscape. Unificanción. (Unifiedsong) Streaming Festival. Holanda.
-Video art. Sed. (Thirts) Streaming Festival. Holanda, Italia.
-Video art. Sed. (Thirts) FIVA International Festival Videoart. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
-Video art. Mírate. (Look at you) Asim´tria Festival. Cusco, Perú.
-Video art. Mírate. (Look at you) 4th International Video art Festival Camagüey, Cuba.
-Soundscape. Unificanción. (Unifiedsong) International Meeting TRANSLOCACIONES SABERES HÍBRIDOS 09. (Hibrid knowledge Translocations) México.
-Unificanción. (Unifiedsong) Regional Image VII. Bank of the Republic. Pereira.
-Video art. Mírate. (Look at you) Regional Image VII. Bank of the Republic. Pereira.
-Video art. Sed. (Thirts) SIART VII International Art Biennial. La Paz, Bolivia.
-Video art. Mírate. (Look at you) Confrontations. Atelie 397 Sao Paulo. Brasil.
-Video art. Mírate. (Look at you) Contemporary Art Week. Mar del Plata. Argentina.
-Video art. El Ilusionista. (The Illusionist) All Artists Circus. Bolívar University Institution Fine Arts and Science. Cartagena.
-Video art. Pinta Virtual. (Virtual Vision) ISA. La Habana, Cuba.
-Video art. Pinta Virtual. (Virtual Vision) Geoparadise Festival. Sinaí, Costa Rica.
-Video art. Pinta Virtual. (Virtual Vision) «Non-Local Curatorship» City Workers Union Florencio Varela. Buenos Aires, Argentina. UNAM Chopo Museum, México City. D.F. Bogotá; District University. Central University. Bogotá, Colombia.
-CON$ULTOR. (CON$ULTING AGENT) 13th Regional Art Hall center west area. Armenia, Medellín, Colombia.
-Video Performance. Mírate. (Look at you) Colombia National University Art Museum. Bogotá.
-Video Performance. Mírate. (Look at you) 8th International Image Festival. Manizales.
-Video Performance. Sed. (Thirts) Cadiz Theater. Bogotá.
-Video art. Mírate. (Look at you) Implicit Visual Body- Explicit. 49th International Film Festival Cartagena.
-Tecmit Museum. Regional Image VI. Luis Ángel Arango. Bogotá.
-Video Performance. Sed. (Thirts) IV National Theater Festival Santander on Scene.
-Tecmit Museum. Regional Image VI. Bank of the Republic. Pereira.
-Video performance. Sed. (Thirts) Performance Festival. La Cuadra. Pereira.
-En el cuerpo del otro. (In the other´s body) Calleje-ando. Encounter of the Word. Riosucio. Caldas.
-Video art 8. Regional Image V. Bank of the Republic. Manizales.
-En el cuerpo del otro. (In the other´s body) Colombian-French Aliance. Pereira.
-Salón de Artistas. Risaralda 39 years. Pereira Art Museum.
-Evolución. (Evolution) Galeria Casa Cuadrada. Bogotá.
-Salón de Agosto. (August Hall) Carlos Drews Castro. Pereira.
-Inauguración. (Opening) Fine Arts Faculty. Pereira Technological University.
-CUCAS. Talents. Carlos Drews Castro, Pereira. Honorable Mention.


-I National congress oh historical memory. CNMH. Santa Marta, Colombia.
-XVIII International Image Festival. Manizales, Colombia.
-XIV Congress Latin American Association of Communication Researchers. ALAIC. San José, Costa Rica.
-XVII International Image Festival. Manizales, Colombia.
-XV International Image Festival. Sonology panel. Manizales, Colombia.
-XV Latin American Congress of the Digital Graphic Society. SIGRADI. Argentina.
-VI International Symposium on Culture and Drugs, Science and arts. Manizales.
-XV Art and Culture Conference. ISA. La Habana, Cuba.
-ATD. A Todo Diseño 11. Catholic University Pereira.
-13th Anthropology Congress in Colombia. Los Andes University. Culture and Drugs Symposium. Bogotá.
-8º International Image Festival, academic forum. Manizales.

Principal publications

-SONORO. ISBN: 978-958-49-4673-7.
-EL CAMINO MÁS LARGO. ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO EN ANTIOQUIA. Artishock, Revista de arte contemporáneo. • mayo 2021 (ver artículo en línea)
-Minería del arte contemporáneo colombiano: historias, escalas y técnicas de extracción de oro. Por Ana Bilbao • mayo 2019. (ver artículo en línea)
-Comunicación, Educación y Cultura. Chapter shared – Comunication & Media Cultures. 2018. ISBN 978-958-8487-40-3
-Magazine Textos y Sentidos 16. July – December 2017. Listed in Publindex. ISSN: 2215-8812. (read the article) -UNIFICATION. Shamanism, Design, Art. 2012. ISBN: 978-958-57046-6-4.
-Magazine NODO 10. January – June 2011. Listed in Publindex and Latindex. ISSN. 1909-3888.(read the article)
-SIGRADI 2011. XV Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics. ISBN. 978-987-657-679-6. (read the article)
-Magazine Cultura y Droga. ISSN 0122-8455. No. 18.
-Memories. 15th Art and Culture Scientific Conference. ISA. La Habana, Cuba.
-Physical and Digital Memory. 10th International Image Festival. Manizales. ISBN. 978-958-759-015-9.
-13th Regional Artists Halls, Colombia. ISBN. 978-958-753-029-2.
-14th Regional Artists Halls, Colombia. ISBN. 978-958-753-065-0.
-16th Regional Artists Halls, Colombia. ISBN.978-958-753-295-1.
-44th National Artists Halls, Colombia. ISBN. 978-958-753-245-6.
-45th National Artists Halls, Colombia. ISBN. 978-958-753-358-3.
-ARTBO Artecámara. ISSN 2346-0741.
-ArtNexus, 44SNA. Natalia Gutiérrez, No. 149. 2017. ISSN 0120-713X.
-ISEA. Sound Piece, 2017.
-Newspaper EL TIEMPO, Río Escultor de Piedras. Nelly Peñaranda, 2016.
-VIOLENCIA Y TERRITORIO EN LAS OBRAS DEL 44 SALÓN NACIONAL DE ARTISTAS. Por Julia Roldán. • octubre 2016 (ver artículo en línea).


-CAPAZ. Minciencias, Universidad Católica de Pereira, Universidad del Quindio.
-Plant on Pavement. National artistic residency grant from the Ministry of Culture of Colombia. lugar a dudas, Cali. IDARTES – 45th National Artists Salon: Ministry of Culture of Colombia. Catholic University of Pereira, Colombia.
-METAcine-video categories for a research-creation about video art. Catholic University of Pereira, Colombia.
-Nature and Sonrity. An apprehension experience from works of artistic creation. Curatorship El Residir, 14th Salon regional of Artists. Catholic University of Pereira, Colombia.
-Virtual environments and contemporary artistic performances in relation to some American shamanistic healing ceremonies (an interactive creativity approach). University Caldas, Manizales. University Foundation Andean Area. Pereira, Colombia.
-Performance and artistic coauthorship. University Foundation Andean Area. Pereira, Colombia. 13th Regional Art Hall Center West Area, Curatorship Inversiones. Pereira Arts Museum.


-Resonance path-ways. Comfenalco. Antioquia.
-Sustained sun. Maestría en Estética y Creación de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Área Cultural del Banco de la República de Pereira.
-House of hesitation. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín.
-Art – Creation. Comfenalco, Qunidío. Colombia.
-To Distance. Laboratory research and creation. Medellín-Pereira, Colombia.
-Al Campo. Walking, Contemporary art, travel. Curatorship «El Residir». 14th Regional Art Hall center west area. Pereira Arts Museum, Colombia.
-The Universe vibrates, let me hear how they resonate. Residencia en La Tierra. Quindío – Colombia.
-Unification. Art, Design, Shamanism. Festival Geoparadise. Sinaí – Costa Rica.


-Site specific intervention, In Fornt. Rodrigo Grajales. Catholic University of Pereira, Colombia.
-Installation, Tabuya. Rodrigo Grajales. Alianza Francesa de Pereira, Colombia.
-Installation, Contracorriente. Rodrigo Grajales. Technological University of Pereira, Colombia.
-Contemporary Art Salon Traslude. Sala Carlos Drews Castro, Pereira, Colombia.
-Installation, Inflexión.Gustavo Toro. Sala Carlos Drews Castro, Pereira, Colombia.
-Installation, El Cauce de las Formas. Fredy Clavijo. Colombo Americano de Pereira, Colombia.
-Installation, Estar de Paso. Fredy Clavijo. Alianza Francesa de Pereira, Colombia.
-Installation, Superficie interrumpida. Gustavo Toro. Alianza Francesa de Pereira, Colombia.
-Photography, Paisaje en tiempo y lugar encontrado. Gustavo Toro. Colombo Americano de Pereira, Colombia.
-Installation, A Distancia. Male Correa, María Eugenía Pedraza y Beatriz Cadavid. Alianza Francesa de Pereira, Colombia.
-Photography, Estructuras fractales. John Wilson Herrera. Alianza Francesa de Pereira, Colombia.
-Installation, Contenidos. Viviana Ángel Chujfi. Alianza Francesa de Pereira, Colombia.


-Residences in Bloque IDARTES. 45th National Artists Salon: Ministry of Culture of Colombia. Bogotá.
-lugar a dudas. Cali, Colombia.
-The Condition of Being Here. 16Th Regional Art Hall center west area. Riosucio, Caldas. Colombia.
-Residences On Earth. Curatorship El Residir, 14Th Regional Art Hall center west area. Pueblotapao, Quindío. Colombia.
-Geoparadise. Sinaí, Costa Rica.


-Artistic call. Universidad Bolivariana de Medellín, Colombia.
-International Video Art Show Jury. Faenza, Bogotá, Colombia.
-Jury for Master’s thesis on Culture and Drugs. Caldas University.
-Jury of the second call for Stimuli of the Municipal Institute of Culture and Promotion of Tourism, from Pereira.


-Finalist oh the 46 National Salon of Arts, 54 National Culture awards Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín. Colombia.
-Winner artist long, secretary of Culture of Pereira.
-Recognition of artistic works art – nature, National Stimulus Program of the Ministry of Culture of Colombia.
-Culture at home. Secretary culture of Pereira.
-Incentive, call for Residences in Bloque IDARTES – 45th National Artists Salon: Ministry of Culture of Colombia, Bogotá.
-Scholarship from the Goethe Institut with the support of the Colombian Ministry of Culture for national artists participating in the international meeting of Living Arts, EXPERIMENTA / SUR VIII organized by Mapa Teatro of the city of Bogotá, Colombia.
-National Artistic Residence scholarship in, lugar a dudas, Cali. Ministry of Culture of Colombia.
-Curatorial Scholarship. Contemporary Art Salon Traslude. Sala Carlos Drews Castro, Pereira, Colombia.
-Winning artwork. Installation, Los Movimientos del Corazón. (Movements of the Heart). Salón Traslude. Pereira, Colombia.
-Honorable Mention, Media Art. Sound Landscape Healing Chants. 10th International Image Festival. Manizales.
-First place in internal research summon. University Foundation Andean Area, Pereira.